Landscape architecture
Great landscape design creates places that deliver more. Enhancing liveability, productivity and sustainability.

Creative landscape design solutions for built and rural environments.
As a registered landscape practice, at RDC we celebrate the natural environment and deliver schemes that enhance the area they sit within.
Leading with creativity and a solution-focused mindset, our team of chartered landscape architects deliver projects in rural and suburban environments, as well as in towns, cities and industrial areas.
As landscape professionals we are both designers and advisors on environmental matters. Our expertise runs deep, allowing us to deliver projects that promote wellbeing, shape community and enhance biodiversity. We create not just spaces, but a sense of place — visually interesting and enjoyable environments to live, work and play.
Early involvement can ensure legislative requirements are met in the most cost-effective way. From concept and feasibility studies through to detailed design, planting schedules and management plans, we work collaboratively and integrate seamlessly.
Working with ecologists, planners, and environmental consultants, we ensure our clients achieve Biodiversity Net Gain and meet evolving legislation.
From leisure developments, renewable energy schemes and industrial sites, to innovative single dwellings and community based initiatives, RDC offers a comprehensive landscape design service.
We are openly collaborative. Pragmatic. And relationship driven. With a deep understanding of the external environment, we deliver creative designs that surpass requirements, and deliver more.

Landscape services
- Concept and feasibility studies
- Landscape and visual impact assessment (LVIA)
- Landscape character assessments
- Biodiversity Net Gain feasibility and considerations
- Concept design
- Infrastructure and masterplanning
- Landscape strategy and statements
- Detailed hard and soft landscape design
- Detailed planting schedules and specifications
- Contract management
- Landscape management plans
- Planning appeal and public inquiry submissions